DS6.1 July 2000 Reunion in Decatur - The
Front: Katie, Mary,
Sally with Luke, Jill with Libby, Vicki, Marjorie with Katie
Back: Phil, Jim,
Bill, Dwayne
DS6.8 Reunion at Fairview in July 1957,
Dad took the photo so wasn't in the picture
Margie (Andrews) will Billy, Sally (Neely), Marion (White) with David (White),
Marilyn (Taylor) with Donna (White)
row: Mary Ann (Andrews) with Mary Jane (Andrews), Jean (Andrews) with Janet
(Andrews), Lloyd (Andrews) with Sandra (Andrews), Daisy(Andrews), Keith
(Andrews), Lulu (Lunn McMullen), Mom, Irene (Lunn Morganstern), EJ (Andrews),
Steve (Andrews), young Jim (Andrews)
Phil (Andrews), Jim (Andrews)
DS6.7 July 2000 Reunion in Decatur
several children 1-5, 6) Elizabeth White, 7) Katie Andrews w 8) Luke Smith, 9) Libby
Andrews, 10-12 unknown, 13) Kathryn White
2: Jennifer Spihlman w Natalie, Mary Ann & Keith Andrews, Marilyn Taylor,
Jim Andrews, Sally Neely, Lyn White, Donna White, Marjorie Smith with Katie
3: Mary Jane Ver Hagen, Pam Andrews, Diane Roeing, Melody White, Curt Taylor,
Vicki Andrews, Mary Andrews, Dianne Andrews, Jessica Newton, Crystal Andrews,
Maribelen & Josh Andrews
Row 4: Jill Neely, Steve Andrews, Tim Spihlman, Mike Newton, David White, Bill
Andrews, Phil Andrews, Jim Andrews, Randy Roeing, and Dwayne Smith