Vicki Andrews Vicki was born in Muskegon, Michigan, the daughter of Thomas Arthur Damm and Esther Lucille Fetterhoff. She graduated from San Jacinto College with an Associate of Science degree and an Associate Degree in Nursing in 1983, and received her Texas certification as a Registered Nurse in 1984. Vicki graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston in 1992. Vicki is listed in Who's Who among students in American Junior Colleges and Who's Who among students in American Universities & Colleges. She was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, the international honor society of nursing. Vicki served as the Manager of the Transplant Intensive Care Unit at St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital. Vicki and I met in 1987 while my father, Philip, was a heart transplant patient in the ICU. In 1989, Vicki went to work for Parke Davis pharmaceuticals, and is currently with Medical & Scientific Affairs, and serves as a Medical Liaison to clinical investigators. Vicki and I share an interest in bird watching and traveling.
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