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Greetings Family,

You are a member of the Andrews-Morgan-Venters-Peabody Clan of Central Illinois. That's the dead center middle of America! Collectively, we are the Andrews Pilgrims. Pilgrim(s) was often used by Dad (F. W. "Pete" Andrews, Jr.) as a term of endearment and friendship. That's the way it's intended here.

Our forbearers have passed some wonderful things to us and those coming behind. Among those things: self reliance, perseverance, talents of many kinds, value of hard work and tenacity, imagination and creativity. Among the Andrews Pilgrims you'll find artists, musicians, military officers, model hobbyists, seamstresses, aviation pilots, humorists, professors, photographers, carpenters, electricians and electrical engineers, plumbers, horticulturalists, orchid (and other flower) experts, academic students, physicians, various craft skills, home economists, salesmen, farmers, railroad workers, painters, authors, computer experts, accountants, nurses, teachers, college athletes, entrepreneurs and many great parents. We cover the waterfront. And we now have adult Pilgrims who can go back to see some of their great (several times) grand parents! We even have a graphic presentation of five generations here: http://decatur58.org/Pilgrims.htm (red text is a hot link). All this is a gift from our forbearers to you.

Dad (Pete Andrews) was an avid camera user ... and we have inherited the value of this. He took many thousands of photos, mostly slides. Sally captured those and saved them as a Family Treasure. They were scanned into PC-photographs and saved, ready to publish for your information and enjoyment. The PC makes it easy to share all this wealth of Family photography in the form of web sites. And it's all free to you to use and pass (via e-mails) to those with whom you wish to share. These web sites are still undergoing development and will be available for editing and additions. Here are some key links - Consider making these a "favorite" on your computer.

Top level Web Sites Summary:  http://decatur58.org/WebSiteSummary.htm  This list may be expanded.

Key INDEX page for the web sites:  http://decatur58.org/MoreDadSlideaINDEX.htm    This may be expanded as the project develops. If you scroll down a bit, you can see a link matrix which allows you to go directly to any Pilgrim's page without having to go in the "front door" first. The number next to the page link is the number of photos currently posted on that page. This is a development tool and will ultimately be dropped and the Pilgrim Pages format (below) will do the same thing. And now, there's a Pilgrims' Birthday Calendar DS8 and some photos of Pilgrims of our earlier past. Dad's Memories as dictated to Sally are available on the INDEX as well.

Pilgrim Pages:    http://decatur58.org/ProfAwardsetc.htm   There are currently 12 Andrews Pilgrims with sections for their photos. More photos to these pages will likely be added. All (or nearly all) the photos have a unique identifier to reference anything to do with a specific photo. This link matrix displays links directly to each page in each Pilgrim section. Subsequent generations should avail themselves via free-to-copy anything here and start their own web sites with the plethora of programs commercially available. Translated, this means there will not be any more Andrews Pilgrims pages added here. If someone creates another web site, particularly Pilgrim-related, and wishes us to publish the link here, we'd be pleased to do that.

Dad's Slides site  http://decatur58.org/DS%20R1.htm   started the publishing of Dad's photos and the  project grew from that. There are four key links in the blue bar near the top. These go to specific sections of Dad's Slides site.

Rules of Engagement:   http://decatur58.org/Rules-Engagement.htm   These are the "rules" to use for sending anything here. This also notes the protocols to handle photo duplications.

Stonefield Valley Railroad (SVRR)   http://decatur58.org/SV.htm   This developed both as a hobby and Family heritage. Place names and businesses on the SVRR are mostly for Pilgrim Members and a few close friends.

These sites have been funded through 2040. If you wish to communicate, here's the address: Jim Andrews  andrews.bigfatroman548@gmail.com  This is not a hot link so you'll need to add it to your e-mail address list. Phone: (570) 247-7497 / (570) 247-2358 FAX. The mailing address is: 195 Harding Road, Rome, Pa 18837-8106.

We hope you will enjoy these photos and realize you are an important part of the Andrews-Morgan-Venters-Peabody Pilgrims Clan.

Best wishes and GOD Bless

Pilgrim Web Guy

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