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United States Marine Corps - Jill Neely - Page 1

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CWO-3 Jill Ellen Neely - United States Marine Corps (Retired) - Page 1

The Neely Family

JN1: - 1 L-R: Jill, Phil, Sally, Lois and Matt

JN1: - 2 Andrews-Morgan Reunion of 2000 in Decatur - Attendees

  Jill's Career Web Page  
JN1: - 3 Sally and Jill visit Anne and Jim in Rome, Pa JN1: - 4 Jill and Lois at the brick house - dairy farm
JN1: - 5 Jill - the Young Pilgrim: Jefferson High School 1976 JN1: - 6 Lois, Jill and Jim at Jill's CWO commissioning ceremony Feb 95 at Quantico, Va
JN1: - 7 USMC Jill with Lois on the porch - Ankeny Hill 1981 JN1: - 8 Matt, Jill and Lois Lois at the brick house - dairy farm
JN1: - 9 Matt and Jill - probably Christmas mid 1960s JN1: - 10 the Three Amigos
JN1: - 11 Lois, Matt, Mom and Jill at the brick house - dairy farm JN1: - 12 Lois, Mom, Sally, Matt and Jill at the dairy farm
JN1: - 13 Matt, Mom and Jill at the White House in Pec JN1: - 14 Jill, Lois, Sally and Matt
JN1: - 15 Sally and Jill JN1: - 16 Jill & Jim at the Bird & Bottle B&B Oct 2008 during Sally & Jill visit
JN1: - 17 CWO Jill Neely, USMC JN1: - 18 Cousins Jill and Phil: Sept 2004
JN1: - 19 Jill with Sally's Christmas display. Sampler on wall was stitched by Jill's 3-time great-grandmother, Desire Randall in 1825 JN1: - 20 The Neely ladies
JN1: - 21 Christmas at the Neelys JN1: - 22 Sally, Jill, Mom and Lois: outside Mahama, Oregon shop where Mom had her craft consignments
JN1: - 23 Susan visits Sally & Jill in Salem, Oregon 2006  


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