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United States Air Force - Mary and Phil - Page 2

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Mary and Colonel Philip Ross Andrews - United States Air Force (Retired) - Page 2

MPR2: - 1 at Hobbs for Matt's funeral - Jill, Phil, Mary and Jim - 2006

 MPR2: - 2 Katie, Cousin Will Davies and Libby at Phil's USAF retirement


MPR2: - 3 Katie and Libby at Phil's retirement ceremony

MPR2: - 4 Katie and Jack at Phil's retirement


MPR2: - 5 The Colonel heads for fun in the middle east

MPR2: - 6 Here's Phil in the driver's seat of a C-130
MPR2: - 7 Col Phil (retired), 2nd Lt Phil, Capt Jim, and Dad at PR's commissioning Dec 1983 MPR2: - 8 Phil on Hood River Scenic train during visit with Sally & Jill Sept 2010
MPR2: - 9 Phil & Sally stop by the Portland Lan Su Chinese Garden Sept 2010 MPR2: - 10 Cousins Jill and Phil: Sept 2004
MPR2: - 11 Dad, Mary and Phil on one of Dad's visit to Texas MPR2: - 12 Sue, Mom, PR and Bill


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