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This is Nancy Moldenhauer Stark's Personal Page

6th Grade Oglesby School - Mrs Gibbs May 1952

Front row: Ronnie Haines, Bonnie Tooley, John Hendricks, Virginia Elder, (?), Janet Napier, Larry Johnson, Carmen Muirheid, Dean Burrous, (?), Second row: Tom Nichols, Jerry England, Dale Hall, Dan Weber, Allen Weiss, Larry Siders, Don Champion, David LeHew, David Coleman, Philip Slaw Third row: Mrs. Gibbs, Charlotte Parton, Marilyn Whitaker, Nancy Moldenhauer, Janet Wicker, Patsy Crawford, Mary Lou Slaw

Nancy standing in the middle of the back row between Marilyn Whitaker and Janet Wicker







Roosevelt Teachers and Administrators

Principal - Mr. Muffley Asst Principal - Mr. Snell 'Miss' Burns - Secretary Miss Guenther - English
Miss Weld Miss Gray Mr. Seany Mr. Heckert
Mrs. Williams Miss Morthland Mr. Barnett Miss Hodson
Miss Allen Mr. Caudle Mrs. Lanman Lois Adams - Music
Mr. Henry - Coach Mr. Glasscock - Shop Ellie Fink  






Nancy is standing in the fourth row, fourth from the right end

Nancy is right in the middle of this cropped photo


This is the single Roosevelt Junior High - click to expand - then use the left button with + magnifying glass symbol








On to Decatur High School ...


Esther Flowers and Nancy Moldenhauer






Rick's Personal Page link