Class of 58 50th Reunion in 2008
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    Thanks to all who helped make our 50th anniversary celebration such a big success. top

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Steve Mumma

Pam and Bob Gendry

Alice Eversole and Elvis

Bob and Lucy Smith

Brenda Mathis Sensenig and husband Jack Gordy

Bruce Kinsey and wife Joan

Bruce Kinsey at Eisenhower High School

Dave Miller and John Kapernick (on right)

Carroll Taylor, Janice and Jerry Freeman, Cecile Yeager, Jack Gordy, Ginny and Doug Nichols

Casual couple - nice but not very talkative

Char Weatherholt Howard

Chuck and Sandi Smith

Dan and Chris Foster

Diane and Jim Edwards

A very nice couple - but quiet and shy

Jan Quigle Frede and Helen Waller Roman

Southside Country Club - scene of the crime

The Esworthys, Judie Hehmeyer Johnson and Dana Hallihan Biehler.

Avon theater - Act 1 Scene 1

Avon theater 2

Avon theater again

Elvis came too - what a guy!


Brenda also sent these photos and I need help again - some are dupes and some new. If you can identify the names, please do so by photo # under the pictures.

Photos from the 50th - need some help with the names please - click on a photo to expand it

A Quiet Guy Karen Bartels England, Linda Tate Nelson, and Mae Kater Karen Bartels England, Linda Tate Nelson, Brenda Mathis Sensenig, and Mae Kater Ilene and Ed McQuality Linda Nelson and Sheila Hicks Mannweiler
Karen Bartels and Loren Nelson, Hubby of Linda Tate Judy and Bill Sowa with Jim Douglas The Gang at the grill - let's eat! Molly Hoopnoodle and Silent Sam Silent Sam
A Local Stiff Zee Bar 4 zee drinks SSSC at the 50th SSSC at the 50th SSSC at the 50th
SSSC at the 50th Sharon Cash Burbes and Cheryl Garver Schmidt Steve Mumma with with the Kinseys Steve Mumma Karen Bartels England and Jeane Willms Holderby
Diane and Jim Edwards Mr / Mrs William Sly Evelyn Brooks Shuster and ... John Kapernick John Kapernick and Dave Miller
Sandi Rutherford Esworthy, Sandy Haring, Nita Ayers, Barb Bartels and Ron Haynes (in back) Jan Tanner and Bill Snell, Now Mr. & Mrs. Jo and Roger Campbell Sandy Haring and Barb Bartels Sandi Rutherford Esworthy and her husband Larry
Elvis and Amy, daughter of Betty Moore Hagen The Esworthys, Judie Hehmeyer Johnson and Dana Hallihan Biehler Brenda Mathis Sensenig and Sam Sandi and Chuck Smith Alice Eversole
Brenda and Elvis Lucy and Bob Smith Willy Sigmon and Cheryl Garver Schmidt Elvis in the flesh Alice Eversole
Alice and Elvis Elvis and Amy, daughter of Betty Moore Hagen