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1958 Stephen Decatur High School Yearbook Photos

Senior Class Officers

Jean E. McEvoy - President Dennis Rodgers - Vice President Sonya Taylor - Secretary
Sandra Brumley - Treasurer Tatsuo Kurokawa - Sergeant at Arms William Sweetnam - Sergeant at Arms


Stephen Decatur High School - Class of ‘58 Photo INDEX (Alphabetic by Last Name)

SDHS Page 1 link: Pat Allen, H. Gerald Anderson, Jack D. Anderson, Mike Andrix, Sue Armsworth, Nita Ayers, Patricia Bailey, Edna Ruth Ball, Leilani Ballard, Barbara Bartels, Dorothy Baum, Betty Beasley

SDHS Page 2 link: Lona Sue Beggs, Maris Diane Behrend, Martha R. Bell, Carolyn Beyer, John Bilyeu, Judith Ann Boland, Judith Ann Britton, Diane Brown, Sandra Brumley, Kay Buck, Larry S. Burcham, Cathryn Rose Burge

SDHS Page 3 link: Sherrill Burgess, Dean Burrows, Patricia Bush, Bruce Campbell, Abbie Jean Castor (Dunn), Leo Chase, Goldine Coleman, Barbara Cooke, Nancy Cruz, Nancy Cummins, Ernie Russell Dash, Ira Dennis

SDHS Page 4 link: Tom Dillman, Robert Lee Dingman, Howard Dondeville, Donna Mae Donner, Judy Emge, Wilma Elaine Erdman, Don Erlenbusch, Clarence Ethington, Stephen Eyer, Clark J. Flake, Janice Flake, Esther Mae Flowers

SDHS Page 5 link: Bob Flowers, Amos Ford, Carolyn Fulk, Janet Grider, Keith Guinn, Gary Guysinger, Norman Hackl, Delphine Paulette Hale, Dale Hall, Dana Hallihan, Barbara June Harris, Larry R. Harris

SDHS Page 6 link: Sandi Harrison, Suzanne Hathaway, Ronnie Haynes, Linda Hayes, David Hazelrigg, David Hegarty, Judith Ann Hehmeyer, Joan Heidgerken, John Hendricks, Michael Hicks, Sheila Jean Hicks, David Hollingsworth

SDHS Page 7 link: Meredith Ann Holben, Lois May Homrighous (Hanson), Carolyn Huffer, Barbara Jean Hunt, Priscilla Eugeneia Jackson, Dick Jacobs, Ralph Jarrett, Milton D. Jendry, Jack H. Johnson, Kathy Johnson, Larry Johnson, Ellen Jones

SDHS Page 8 link: Norma Lee Kelly, Kay Kerans, Shirley Kirby, Betty Jane Kirkpatrick, Patricia Kitchens, Margery Knierim, Ethel Mae Knop, Kay Kramer, Mary Evelyn Krause, Larry Krutsinger, Tatsuo Kurokawa, Dean L. Lanckton

SDHS Page 9 link: Sammy Ann Latch, Robert E. Longbons, Nancy Lupton, Robert Edward Lyman, Jr., Eddie McCarty, David L. McCoy, Jean E. McEvoy, Joyce Elaine McGlade, Leroy Mahon, Donald Marsh, Martha Marsh, Beth Marlene Massey

SDHS Page 10 link: Brenda Mathis, David L. Mattison, Suzanne Michl, Cynthia Ann Miller, David Miller, Edith Miller, Pamela Ann Miller, Myra Lorraine Mitchell, Nancy Moldenhauer, Carmen Joy Muirheid, Karen Murphy, Sue Murphy

SDHS Page 11 link: Mary Margaret Murray, Shirley Murray (Burrous), Ira C. Nation, Zona Gayle Nichols, Beny Novellino, James Richard Nulf, James Patterson, Janice Perry, Linda Petersen, Terry Petersen, Mary Lou Peveler, Patricia Piper    

SDHS Page 12 link: Gerald Porter, Judith Portlock, Larry Powell, Martha Ann Ragsdale, Evelyn Ray, Mary Rex (Grout), David Richie, Judith Ann Robb, Howard Roberson, Johnie Lee Roberson, Jan Etta Robinson, Nancy Elizabeth Robinson  

SDHS Page 13 link: Dennis B. Rodgers, Sharon Lee Roe, Bruce Rudow, Rosemary Runnels, Walter Sadowski, David Shasteen, Helen Shasteen, Larry Siders, Harry Smith, Robert W. Smith, David Ray Sollis, Lynda Songer

SDHS Page 14 link: William Sowa, Darryl Stock, John Strocher, Paul Stukins, William J. Sweetnam, Jan Tanner, Darlene Tapscott, Sonya Taylor, Marsha Telfer, Wanda Carol Terneus, Barbara Ann Thompson, Larry Thompson

SDHS Page 15 link: Phyllis Thompson, Judith Kay Tosh, Ralph Tozer, John Thoedore Tempel, Russell B. Trowbridge, Don A. Upper, Ronald Upper, John Wahl, G. Roger Wall, Martha L. Waters, Nancy Jo Watters, Daniel S. Weber

SDHS Page 16 link: Gertrude Weilepp, Allen Weiss, Marilyn Kate Whitacre, Nancy J. Williams, Larry Wilson, Mary Catherine Wittke

Not Pictured: Ann Barbee, James Brummitt, David Dougherty, Don Dunbar, Beverly Ann Hotwick, Phyllis E. Rhymes

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MHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
SDHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

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