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This is Margery Knierim Wilcoxen's Continuation Personal Page
Sharing With Friends for many years ...
The 1951 Birthday party - from Cheryl Garver. Marge - back row just behind Linda Tate
From Cheryl Garver - Day Camp at Fairview
Top Row: Barbara ?, Jan Wicker, Marilyn Chaney, Marge Knierim, ?, ... Nancy King, .. Last is Carol Durbin; Bottom: ?, Jean Hinrichs, Virginia Elder, Kay Anderson, Cheryl Garver, Linda Vance
From Cheryl Garver - Sammy Ann Latch Birthday Party 1949
The left four are not identified: back row - Carol Durbin, Patty Allen, Marge Knierim |
Front row right side: Sammy Ann Latch, Linda Lou Tate and Cheryl Garver |
Community minded citizen ...
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Since 1958 Marge has been a blood donor, and have given over 18 gallons of blood. She donated through the American Red Cross and the Sangamon County Blood Bank. Marge was able to safely donate blood until October 2006 and considered it a privilege, and felt bad when I could no longer give.
Marge's Main Page link