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Lots More Stuff Section Menu Items This is Margery Knierim Wilcoxen's Personal Page
Marge's Personal Page
Here's Pugh School - Grades K-6 and the start for many of us Kindergarten Pugh School 1945 Back Row: Mrs. Maude Vigels (principal), David Reed, David Curtis, Gary Doolin, Danny Weber, Ronald Pitman, Billy Eckert, Margery Knierim, Minnie Nixon, Mae Myers, Mrs. Ellmin Herrin (teacher): Middle Row: Bob Kirby, Marilyn Chaney, Janet Curry, Linda Vance, Carol Durbin, Karen Bartels, Patty Noonan, Margaret Barnstable, Cecila Camp, Linda Lou Tate, Harold Cazier: Front Row: Sammy Ann Latch, Jackie Anderson, Linda Jones, David Smith, Patricia Krohn, Sammy Dempster, Cheryl Garver, Ronald Childs, Virginia Rogers Marge in the back row between Bill Eckert and Minnie Nixon
Pugh School - First Grade - Teacher Mrs. Ethrington
Marge is in the back at the top center of this cropped photo
5th Grade Pugh School 1950-1951 - Miss Cohron
Back Row: Miss Cohron, Dean Lancton, Margery Knierim, Lois Abraham, Marilyn Willhite, Pat Hoffman, Barbara Hilderbran, Mae Myers, Pat Allen; 2nd Row: Linda Cahail, Linda Tate, Vernon Fitch, Bob Sorrell, David Reed, Billy Eckert, David Schultz, Bob Kirby, Marilyn Chaney, Patsy Parker; Front Row: Nancy Rubin, Kay Guise, Sharon Wicker, Patty Piers, Sammy Ann Latch, Phyllis Heir, Judy Corn, Janet Banfield, Stephany Garver; On floor: Gary Catlin, Ronnie Wilber, Jim Andrews Marge in the middle of the back between Dean Lanckton and Lois Abraham
Progressing to Junior High at Roosevelt
From the photo above, can you see Marge peeking out ...?
And on to Stephen Decatur High School
The Dolphin Club at the Decatur YWCA Taken from the above photo ... Marge in middle row, just left of center (light jacket)
And from the Oct 17 2009 Mini-Reunion
And with her family ...
Marge with her Daughter-in-Law Lisa, Granddaughter Gail, and Grandson Mark in the Swiss Alps. The photo was taken the summer of 2005, in Switzerland. This was the year after Sam died. Marge's son, Dave, took the picture at the top of the Schilthorn Alp links to videos and photo inks. We spent three weeks in Switzerland. Week one and three we stayed with Lisa's sister near Zurich photo images. The second week we stayed in a farm house near Bern photo images. Our transportation was train, bus, and bicycling, with a lot of walking thrown in.
This is a week long trip I took to Biloxi, Mississippi to help build and finish a house after Hurricane Katrina.
This is the picture that I had at the reunion. Christmas 2007, Gail is holding Lyndsey, Grandma Marge is holding Ben and Carly. Next is Mark and Bethany. I hope we can get an updated picture this Christmas.
Dave, Carol, Dan and Marge with the grandchildren Mark, Gail. Bethany, Lyndsey, Carly and Ben
Classmate's Luncheon of 12/18/2009 at Brenda and Jack's in Decatur
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