Entire Menu Duplicated Here for Convenience
Lots More Stuff Section Menu Items This is Jan and John Frede's Personal Page Here's Pugh School - Grades K-6 and the start for many of us
Mrs. Ethrington's Pugh School First Grade Class - from Cheryl Garver
John is in the middle here, right in front of David Reed
John, Jim Andrews, Carol Frede and Sally Andrews
And progressing to Junior High at Roosevelt
Two Special Teachers Remembered
Roosevelt Junior High School - Right Half of the bigger shot: John is in 6th row
John is in the middle of this cropped shot - next to Sandra Brumley - 6th row on the left portion of this photo
On to Stephen Decatur High School for 2 years
Then to MacArthur High School for Graduation in MacArthur's First Graduating Class - '58
Student Council: Seated: Sandi Rutherford, Steve Mumma, Janice Duncan, John Frede, Daunt Chapman; Standing: Suzie Lewis, Judy Hendrian, Judy Donaldson, Chuck Lyon, Jerry Freeman, Phil Blakenburg, Jean Hayer, Judy Anderson
First Regimental Commanders: Seated - Judy Hendrian, Vice-President, Judy Donaldson, Secretary, Daunt Chapman, Treasurer; Standing - John Frede, President, William Sigmon, Sergeant-at-Arms, Phil Blankenburg, Sergeant-at-Arms, Terry Musgrave, Sergeant-at-Arms, Chuck Lyon, Sergeant-at-Arms
Class of '58 - 50th Reunion in 2008 Back Row (all standing) L-R: Dave Tosh, Willy Sigmon, Charlie Lockhart, Rick Stark, Bill Stoner, Jerry Freeman, Bob Felts, Judy Starr, Stanley Hecht, Jim Beard, and Dave Yocum Third Row (all standing) L-R: Jim Talbert (blue shirt), Carroll Taylor (tan jacket), Karen Bartels England (dark dress), Gloria Pulliam Leeds, Betty Moore Hagen, Diana Shorb Eyre (lady in tan outfit), Judy Hendrian Wittenauer (colorful jacket), Janice Duncan Ford, Megan Elizabeth Nixon Rainey (camel tan outfit), Patsy Forcum (purple top), Brenda Palian Tabor (lady in blue outfit just back of Alice's right shoulder), Carolyn Hungness (gray sweater), Kay Gray (very dark sweater), Cheryl Garver Schmidt (print jacket), Linda Vance, Wanda Dillinger, Mignon Strickland (purple outfit), Shirley Morenz Taylor, Helen Waller Roman, Terry Musgrave (standing in back), --21--, --22--, Bob (Skip) Mueller, Jan Quigle Frede (lady in dark outfit), and Steve Mumma Second Row (seated) L-R: Sam Dempster (seated on stool), Janet Wicker Dobbertin, Linda Tate Nelson, Gloria Shields Bates, Betty Fuqua Harris, Sandi Rutherford Esworthy, Jean Willms Holderby, Alice Eversole, Marilyn Schmidt Harris, Nancy Taylor Wade, Marilyn Chaney, Sharon Essex Walters, and Phil Blankenburg (kneeling in dark jacket) Front Row (seated) L-R: Roger Campbell, Ed McQuality, Bob Gendry, Dale Coulter, John Kapernick, Pat Reed, and Julian Ridlen
From Our 50th Reunion
Jan Quigle Frede and Helen Waller Roman
Thanks to John's sister, Carol, we have these ...
John at 'work'
John and Carol
This looks like John at University of Illinois Graduation with June and Fred