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This is Nancy King Ator's Personal Page

Here's Pugh School - Grades K-6 and the start for many of us








Pugh School - 6th Grade - Courtesy of Megan Rainey - Teacher is Miss Henneberry - May 5th 1952

Starting with the standing boys and going from left to right: Fred M., David Smith, Keith Wright, Larry Rogers, Ronnie Hill, Dale Maddox, Donald Ryan, Bob Kirby, Ronnie Wilber, Johnny Frank, Homer Kelsheimer, and Dean Bloom.

Seated girls (and one boy) left to right: Nancy King (checkered dress), Joyce Reed, Linda Tate, Phyllis Heyer, Marilyn Schmitt, Carol Durbin, Janet Reindl, Judy Beiderwieden, Martha Warner, Barbara Crawford, Lonnie (June) Vording, David Redding, Patsy Parker, Janice Holderby, Marilyn Chaney, Pat Major, Patty Allen, Linda Vance, Elizabeth (Sibby) Nixon (plaid skirt), and Lee Ellen Albrecht. 

Nancy is seated in the back of this cropped photo (checkered dress)







Top Row: Barbara ?, Jan Wicker, Marilyn Chaney, Marge Knierim, ?, ... Nancy King, .. Last is Carol Durbin; Bottom: ?, Jean Hinrichs, Virginia Elder, Kay Anderson, Cheryl Garver, Linda Vance









And progressing to Junior High at Roosevelt

Two Special Teachers Remembered

Hannah Guenther Wallace (Wally) Barnett


Left side of Roosevelt Junior High School about 1954 - Nancy in the 1st row, 5th from left

Nancy is seated, right in the middle of this cropped photo





On to Stephen Decatur High School for 2 years






Then to MacArthur High School for Graduation in MacArthur's First Graduating Class - '58







Graduation Yearbook Photo MacArthur Class of '58 - MacArthur's First Graduating Class


Student Council Alternate, Junior Council, Thanksgiving Assembly, Vespers, Junior Talent Show, "Sweethearts", French Club








Some scenes from Classmate Luncheon Dec 18th 2009

Betty Moore Hagen and Nancy King Ator Karen Bartels, Cheryl Garver, Jean Wilms, Diane Behrend and Nancy King
The prime suspects: Cheryl, Diane, Nancy and Marge Mae, Jan, Karen, Cheryl, Jean, Diane and Nancy

