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Congratulations to all our Class of '58 Classmates who have 50 or more years of marriage together

"Two Hearts" by  Sherri Wass Shunfenthal  (sent by Megan Rainey)

Two Hearts

Comforting, reaching,

Holding each other

Through the ups and downs of Everyday existence

Two people Nurturing

and raising children together

Through tears, fears,

Laugher, and smiles

Two individuals

Working hard to make the world

A better place

For their children and grandchildren

Two hearts

Dancing together,

Waltzing to the heartbeat of

Love's eternal tunes

Congratulations and Happy Golden Anniversary

Two partners

Whose loving is the simplicity of spring

Yet able to withstand stormy weather

Your love keeps shining Brighter

And embraces those around you.


John and Wanda (Dillinger) Karolus celebrated our 50th anniversary on August 11, 2012

Jan Tanner and Bill Snell - 55th

Mary-Day and Terry Musgrave - 50th in 2014

Scarlett and Ron Haynes - 50 years 30 July 2015

Jan and Jerry Freeman - have had their 55th

Marilyn (Schmidt) and Jim Harris will be married 57 yrs. this coming March, 29, 2016.

Sandy (Haring) and Bob Crowe celebrated their 54th anniversary last Augus (2014)

Dan & Marcia Weber celebrated their 55th in July 2015

Sharen and Jim Talbert - 50th in Aug 2015

Linda (Tate) and Loren Nelson celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary in November 2015.


Kay and Darryl Stock at their wedding

  Kay and Darryl Stock get married - May 28, 1958. Sharon, Diane and Dave helped.  
Judith Ann (Holmes) and Patrick Stowell - 54+ years

"We have celebrated 52 happy and still in love yrs as of Feb. 15, 2011.  Carolyn and Ralph Hart."


Gertrude (Trudie) Weilepp and Harold Cross - 50 years on 28 April 2011


Marcia and Dan Weber - 50 Years on July 16th 2010


"My husband (Gilbert Rainey) & I (Megan Elizabeth Nixon Rainey) celebrated 51 years on Aug 16, 2010."


Sharon (Quigley) and Len Bardfield will celebrate 52 yrs. in June.


Ellen Jones and Dave Miller 50 years on Feb 5th 2011


Gloria (Shields) Bates and Dick (50 years Jun 7th 2008, coming up 53 this year)


Marilyn (Schmitt) Harris and Husband James B. (Jim) Harris 52nd anniversary on March 28, 2011


Sigmons (Willy and Judy)


Toshi and Bill Gaither will have our 50 years on the 14 of November 2011


Nelsons (Linda Tate and Loren)


Tanner (Snells) Jan and Bill


Rices (Kay and Fred)


Barbara Harris and Leo (Sonny) Bachman - 50 years on Dec 31st 2011


Konstantina and Thomas W. Gogerty will be married 50 years the 13 of January, 2012


Coming Up Soon ...

Diane (Behrend) and Jim Edwards - 50 years in 2013


Bryants (48+) Virginia and Jim


How about some pictures now please?

Kay and Fred Rice and their 50th